Thursday 17 March 2011

Accura Nsx Black

Growing up, every young boy has that poster of their dream car pinned to the wall - for me it was an Acura NSX. Unfortunately, when my first tooth fell out and the tooth fairy didn't leave $90,000 under my pillow, I knew I had to make a slight adjustment when shooting for my first new car. That's when I started researching the little brother Acura, the RSX. I was fortunate enough to get hired at a local nickel arcade and work my way up through the ranks to become a store manager. You know the old addage, "a penny saved is a penny earned?" After trudging through the vomit, clogged toilets, and crying children, I certainly do. I continued to spend the next two years as miserly as possible, hoarding every nickel I could peel off of the soda stained carpets of that hell hole so that I could put it towards my runner-up dream car.

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